Seven Deadly Sins in Internet Marketing
By Robert Dobyns
1) WAIT TOO LONG......Barnes & Noble is playing a hard (& expensive)
game of catch-up with rival bookseller Instead of jumping
onto the internet shuttle at first sign of it's competitor's great
success, they had to analyze it and do reports on it and feasibility
studies, etc., etc. The bottom line: they etc'd it to death and it
cost them millions. It's going to be a hard game for Online Bookstore
# 294 to make a successful venture!
Are you marketing on the internet yet?
2) WALK/DON'T RUN.....Once you finally do decide to begin marketing
online, the worst thing you can do is bring your picky little
perfectionist attitude with you! Guess what? The internet is an
imperfect thrives & grows on tons of utter chaos!
A little bit of chaos at your site won't matter in the least.
Once you have decided to launch your internet business....RUN!!!
Get the shell of your online domain up & running & then
change your focus to generating traffic. If your sole dedication
is to being artsy-fartsy, then you'll have a beautiful domain
for you (and only you) to look at! RUN and grab & utilize every
traffic-generating tool you can get your hands on and craft your
site little by little.....It will always be evolving.....You'll
NEVER be happy with it....Get people there & sell them something!
Are you making money from your web site?
3) WORK TOO LITTLE.......If you've ever read my newsletter,
you know that this is my pet peave: People who lay on the couch,
watch Oprah & eat bon-bons all day long & then say, "My site isn't
WRONG!!!!! YOU aren't working!
The internet works just fine for lots & lots of people who work IT!
Turn off the TV, turn ON the monitor & PROMOTE your site.
Are you promoting your web site daily?
4) WHISPER INSTEAD OF SHOUT.......Are you afraid of hurting
someone's eardrums on the internet? Of course not! Then SHOUT!!!!!!
"But Robert, proper netiquette says that shouting is rude".
SOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo!!! It's effective.
Now, if I come to your site & post something there, I always make
certain I raise my little pinkie as I type in UPPER/lower case as
appropriate. But when someone comes to my site, I do as I please
to get their attention. I won't be playing elevator music as some
sites do (I don't think PUSH music belongs on a commercial web site,
but that's another article). If I DID choose to play music, I would
probably choose "Old Time Rock-N-Roll" or some other song along that
line that would keep my customers awake for the sales pitch!
There's nothing wrong with an occasional "HEY YOU!!!!!" or "LOOK AT
Do people know that you exist?
5) WHINE TOO MUCH........My philosophy...It is better to wine too
much than to whine too much! At least then you won't care about your
whining just like others don't care about hearing it. If there is
a problem, find the solution..... Whining wastes valuable time!
If you don't know how to solve the problem, you may have to swallow
that pride & break down & ask someone. Don't let your business get
stale & stagnant because you are unwilling to find a solution.
Guess what?
Sometimes the solution is scrapping your whole project! Start with
something fresh & profitable! Virtual Pet Rocks probably won't sell!
Get over it & get on with it! As my friend, Carlo Flores from
California would say, "Been there...Done dat!" I lost almost
$12,000 on my last venture...a pittance to some, but to me, a debt
that is still being paid off! Did I say, "Shucks, I guess businesses
just don't work like they used to"? NO! My thoughts were, "Well,
that sure stinks....OK, now what can I try!"
You WILL literally fail your way to the top. "If at first you don't
succeed, ______, _______ again" (It's the little lessons in life
that have the greatest impact!)
Can I help you with a solution?
6) WHIP ON OTHERS........Especially on the internet, this will
lead to entrepreneurial suicide. The whole internet business scene
is different than "real world" marketing. On the internet you can
market your business to millions of locations for FREE through
cooperative efforts & joint ventures. Can you imagine Ford saying
to Chevy, "I tell you what, you can put your Cavalier at our
dealerships if we can put our Mustang at yours". Think it'll happen?
NOT! Thus they must spend MILLIONS to try to get consumers to stop
frequenting the Chevy dealerships & entice them to come to theirs.
They must whip on each other in the public arena.
Follow this kind of independent strategy on the internet & you, too,
will have to spend big bucks to promote your business.
Subscribe to my newsletter and you'll see advertisements in today's
issue from competitors of mine who are selling the exact same
products/services which I am. Crazy? Well, my ad is ALSO in their
e-zine today selling my goods. They have doubled their
reach ...I have doubled my reach! Now I do this kind of swap with 15
different e-zines every day...Get your calculator out and run the
numbers for 6 days per week X 15 ezines X 52 weeks......For FREE!!!
This kind of advertising would cost me OVER $100,000 if I wanted to
play the "Lone Ranger" of internet marketing...Play smart...Play cheap!
Would you like to join me in promoting our businesses?
7) WIGGLE & WRIGGLE TILL YOU DROP.......Plain & simple: If you can
excuse yourself for any of the above, you're dead in the water!
If you can identify any of these traits in your entrepreneurial
approach to internet marketing, FIX THEM! Don't wiggle about and
say, "Well, that's just the way I am" or "You can't teach an old
dog new tricks". GET AN ATTITUDE CHECK!!! Or talk to someone who
shoots straight and will tell you that you need to get focused.
That's why I appreciate Dr. Jeffery Lant. He tells it like it is.
No sugar coating. "Shape up or your ship will sink, boy!!"
"Get on with it!!" "Move it, move it, move it!!" Reminds me of my
drill sergeant in the Army...Gruff, but effective!!
Find someone who will give you a swift kick in the pants when you
need it!!
Realize your short-comings & vow to fix them. Attitudes & habits
don't form overnight and will not dissolve with wishing. If you mess
up today, start over tomorrow to be the success you want to be......
The internet is wide open to your ideas. EXPRESS THEM!!!!!
Do you have a goal for your success?
Robert Dobyns is owner of the MEGA MONEY MALLS COMPLEX at and founder of JumpStart
Internet Business Builder at He also publishes
the daily e-zine MEGA MONEY. To subscribe:
and receive 650 FREE REPORTS for everyday living.
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Last updated: July 10, 2000