Internet Marketing: Making The Rounds
By R.G. Ramsey
You finally have your website up to par. You have your own
domain name, forms are working properly, and you can accept
credit cards. So where are the visitors?
What's that you say? You're dealing with a limited budget?
Ok, the truth is after you bought all those books to teach
you how to market on the net, monthly payments for hosting
service and your Internet Service Provider your spouse wants
to see some green coming back in for a change.
You listened to folks rave on and on about the top classified
ad sites so you ran out and placed your free classified ad in
each of them. Then you waited...and waited...and waited...
Then you heard how great FFA pages were! So off you went to
the most popular of the FFA sites. Then they told you to get
your own link page and add an auto-responder. So you did,
then you waited...and waited...and waited...
STOP WAITING and Start Making the Rounds!
Yes, it's true that sales is a numbers game. The goal is to
get visitors to your site and the good news is there are
lots of vehicles to accomplish that goal.
The most successful sales people are minglers. They don't
"wait" for customers to come to them. They never miss an
opportunity to put their card in your hand. They're out
there getting their name and business noticed. Successful
sales people are continually helping others which naturally
builds trust and confidence.
So, what are those "vehicles" to get visitors to my site?
Glad you asked! Keep reading and even more important apply
what you're about to read. It's not complicated and it
certainly won't take up any more of your time than all of
those other great ideas you've been reading about!
Subscribe to and Participate in Lists:
Lists are a tremendous source of information. They also offer
the added advantage of providing you with FREE promotion!
Here you will find details of 10 lists worth your time. Don't
jump right in. Go to the archives or wait until you've read
a few issues before you contribute. Be sure to read the FAQ
page or for those that do not have one read the welcome message.
Take particular notice of the use of signature files. Lists
are a bit different than newsletters.
General Guidelines
1. No flames or personal attacks
Linkexchange - Moderated - Adam Audette
Frequency: Daily - Circulation: 110,000+
ADLANDS' DIGEST - Moderated - Bogdan Fiedur
Frequency: 2 - 3 days a week - Circulation: 4034
Biz Digest - Moderated - Paul Myers
Frequency: Daily - Circulation: 450+
The E-Marketing Digest - Moderated - George Matyjewicz
Frequency: Three days a week - Circulation: 3,000+
I-Sales - Moderated - John Audette
Frequency: Daily - Circulation: 11,000+
We Talk Business - Moderated - Nancy Roebke
Frequency: Daily - Circulation: 200+
LearningFOUNT - Moderated - Paul Siegel
Frequency: 3 times/week - Circulation: 1,000+
Affiliate-L - Moderated - Mark Welch
Frequency: Daily - Circulation: 550+
Direct Marketing Online - Moderated - Bill Greene
Frequency: Daily - Circulation: 1300+
I-Advertising - Moderated - Adam Boettiger
Frequency: Daily - Circulation: 10,000+
Help Out At Bulletin Boards:
By now you've been around long enough to know a bit
more about what's what and what's not. Share your
knowledge with others. You can save new marketers
months, maybe even years of misery by telling them
what you have experienced. The good, bad and ugly.
You'll also learn plently yourself. Below is a list
of well populated Bulletin Boards you should become
acquainted with. Get your name out there!
1. CyberMarketing InfoBoard
2. Entrepreneurial Success Forum
3. Free Publicity & Promotion Discussion Board
4. Marketing Success Discussion Forum
5. Get High (Traffic) Forums
6. Web Marketing Forums
7. Profit Talk
8. JGS Internet Marketing Forum
9. Friends In Business
For a list of forums subscribe to this newsletter.
They announce forums to their subscribers.
New Forums
Chat It Up
Get acquainted with others. Choose some favorites and
hang out there. Don't post ads they're useless here.
You'll shoot yourself in the foot before you even get
a good start. Lurk for awhile and then add your 2 cents.
Use the Search Engines to get a good variety of business
chats. Be particular, only frequent busy chats.
1. Delphi Chats (Business & Finance)
2. Access Business Chat Rooms (13 to choose from)
3. Talk City
4. iVilliage (women networking)
Get Involved With Newsgroups
Granted, most of them are filled with junk, but there
are some that are moderated. You'll need a news reader.
You can download a free one called Free Agent. The best
one out there in my opinion.
Free Agent:
Subscribe to these moderated groups:
1. misc.entrepreneurs.moderated
Sometimes it's good to go where everybody knows your name.
R.G. Ramsey has helped numerous marketers Publish and Promote
their own successful newsletter. Visit the site for Resources
you WILL NOT find anywhere else on the net!
Subscribe to the newsletter - Ad Trades & Articles:
2. Read previous posts before you post to the list
3. No blatant advertising
4. Be sure to quote correctly when responding to a post
5. Stay with the specified limit of signature file lines
6. Read FAQ page thoroughly if one is available, if not
instructions are usually included in the welcome message.
Or Visit:
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Last updated: July 10, 2000